"Electrical Characterization of Crystalline UO<sub>2</sub>, ThO<sub>2</" by Christina L. Dugan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

James C. Petrosky, PhD


Uranium dioxide (UO2), thorium dioxide (ThO2), and UxTh1-xO2 alloys are characterized for suitability in uranium-based neutron detectors. ThO2 was studied for an envisioned UO2/ThO2 heterojunction. A U0.71Th0.29O2 alloy was studied because of its resistance to oxidation and potential use in surface passivation. The U0.71Th0.29O2 effective Debye temperature of 217± 24 K was measured using temperature-dependent x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The specific heat capacity for the U0.71Th0.29O2 alloy was calculated from the Debye temperature and compared to the heat capacity obtained from modulated-temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC). The XPS derived Debye temperature specific heat capacity was lower than with MDSC due to effects of a vacuum reduced crystal surface. Angle resolved XPS provides depth profiling of a UO2 surface. The U 4f7/2 peaks are evident of U4+ and U6+ oxidation states with an increase in the U4+ oxidation state further from the surface. The presence of U 5f peaks in the valence band spectra provided evidence of U4+ but does not preclude the presence of U6+, while the electronic band-gap energy remained at 2.2 eV, confirming the presence of UO2. These surface characteristics indicated a vacuum reduced UO2 surface and excess oxygen incorporated into the lattice forming a UO2+x selvedge region.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Plain-text title: Electrical Characterization of Crystalline UO(2), ThO(2) AND U(0.71)Th(0.29)O(2)
