"Effects of Cyclic Prefix Jamming Versus Noise Jamming in OFDM Signals" by Amber L. Scott

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Richard K. Martin, PhD.


Signal jamming of an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signal is simulated in MATLAB. Two different means of jamming are used to see, which is a more efficient way to disrupt a signal using the same signal power. The first way is a basic additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) jammer that equally jams the entire signal. The second way is an AWGN jammer that targets only the cyclic prefix (CP) of the signal. These two methods of jamming are simulated using different channel models and unknowns to get varying results. The three channel models used in the simulations are the no channel case, the simple multipath case, and the fading multipath case. The general trend shows that as the channel model becomes more complex, the difference in the effectiveness of each jamming technique becomes less. The unknown in this research is the symbol-time delay. Since OFDM signals are characterized by multipath reception, the signal arrives at a symbol-time delay which is known or unknown to the jamming signal and the receiver. Realistically, the symbol-time delay is unknown to each and in that case, a Maximum Likelihood (ML) Estimator is used to find the estimated symbol-time delay. This research simulates the symbol-time delay as a known and an unknown at the jammer and receiver. The general trend shows that jamming the cyclic prefix is more effective than noise jamming when the symbol-time delay is unknown to the receiver.

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