"Analysis of the Impact of Data Normalization on Cyber Event Correlatio" by Smile T. Ludovice

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Michael R. Grimaila, PhD.


A critical capability required in the operation of cyberspace is the ability to maintain situational awareness of the status of the infrastructure elements that constitute cyberspace. Event logs from cyber devices can yield significant information, and when properly utilized they can provide timely situational awareness about the state of the cyber infrastructure. In addition, proper Information Assurance requires the validation and verification of the integrity of results generated by a commercial log analysis tool. Event log analysis can be performed using relational databases. To enhance database query performance, previous literatures affirm denormalization of databases. Yet database normalization can also increase query performance. Database normalization improved the majority of the queries performed using very large data sets of router events. In addition, queries performed faster on normalized tables when all the necessary data were contained in the normalized tables. Database normalization improves table organization and maintains better data consistency than a lack of normalization. Nonetheless, there are some tradeoffs when normalizing a database, such as additional preprocessing time and extra storage requirements. But overall, normalization improved query performance and must be considered an option when analyzing event logs using relational databases. There are three primary research questions addressed in this thesis: (1) What standards exist for the generation, transport, storage, and analysis of event log data for security analysis?; (2) How does database normalization impact query performance when using very large data sets (over 30 million) of router events?; and (3) What are the tradeoffs between using a normalized versus non-normalized database in terms of preprocessing time, query performance, storage requirements, and database consistency?

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

