"Infrastructure Asset Management Modeling through an Analysis of the Ai" by Marie T. Harnly

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

William E. Sitzabee, PhD.


Effective asset management requires an overarching model that establishes a framework for decision-makers. This research project develops a strategic level asset management model for varying types of infrastructure that provides guidance for effective asset management. The strategic model also incorporates Next Generation Information Technology initiatives into a single coherent system to streamline the top-down, bottom-up flow of information. The strategic model is applicable to agencies with a large, varying infrastructure inventory and limited resources. This research also develops an improved performance modeling tool, a critical component of the strategic model. This tool objectively prioritizes maintenance and repair projects according to measurable metrics as well as the strategic vision, established goals, and policies. Asset management of Air Force infrastructure provides an example of applicability for this strategic model and improved tool; thus, an asset management example of Air Force infrastructure is utilized throughout the research project to demonstrate the utility of the model and the tool. The strategic level model and improved tool enable policy-makers to make decisions that tie goals, infrastructure inventory, condition state, importance and criticality, and budget constraints to system performance. As a result, insight is gained on ways to maximize efficiency and optimize the performance of infrastructure.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

