Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Kenneth M. Hopkinson, PhD.


This thesis explores an application of a con-resistant trust mechanism to improve the performance of communications-based special protection systems to further enhance their effectiveness and resiliency. New initiatives in the energy sector are paving the way for the emergent communications-based smart grid technology. Smart grids incorporate modern technologies in an effort to be more reliable and efficient. However, with the benefits of this new technology comes added risk. This research utilizes a con-resistant trust mechanism as a method to quickly identify malicious or malfunctioning protection system nodes in order to mitigate the resulting instabilities in the smart grid. The feasibility and performance of this trust architecture is demonstrated through experiments comparing a simulated special protection system implemented with a con-resistant trust mechanism and without via an analysis of variance statistical model. The simulations yield positive results when implementing the con-resistant trust mechanism within the communications-based special protection system for the smart grid.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

