Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Statistical Analysis of Phased Construction Projects, Timothy M. DeJong
Predictive Analytics for Military Construction Overruns: A Machine Learning Approach, William D. Hunter
Advanced Oxidation of Tert-Butanol with Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes and Hydrogen Peroxide, Lauren R. Mainolfi
A Framework for Dynamic Combat Support Exercises, Sean R. McCarty
An Analysis of Military Construction Cost Escalation and How It Is Accounted for in Cost Estimating Practices, Benjamin D. Rieben
An Analysis of USAF Policy Implementation for Building Information Modeling, Evan J. Ward
Root Cause Analysis for Troop Construction Schedule Delays and Cost Overruns, Richard H. Wilkens
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Critical Evaluation of Construction Industry-Related Additive Manufacturing Research: A Scientometric Analysis, Tyler J. Brunjes
A Thematic and Reference Analysis of Touchless Technologies, Eric R. Curia
Prioritizing Water Distribution Network Asset Maintenance Using Graph Theory Methods, Ashton E. Doyal
Investigating the Relationship of Preventive and Corrective Maintenance in Chiller Assets Using Linear Regression Analysis, Jacob A. Franke
The Application of Virtual Reality in Firefighting Training, Dylan A. Gagnon
A Framework for Assessing Facility-Level Vulnerability and Risk to Extreme Weather Events, Blake A. Gawlik
Quantifying Project Complexity to Resource Project Managers, Jereme R. Henrard
A Critical Review of Climate Change on Coastal Infrastructure Systems, Gregory J. Howland Jr.
Developing an Adaptable Best Value Contractor Selection Tool for Federal Construction Projects, Robert B. Kitson
A Scientometric Analysis of Smart Sensors in Facility Management and Applications in Air Force Operations, Joseph-Thomas H. Lehotsky
A Post-disaster Construction Portfolio Optimization Framework for Tyndall AFB Rebuild Post Hurricane Michael, Andre J. May
A United States Air Force Site Selection Methodology in a Contested Agile Combat Employment Environment, Zachary T. Moer
The Impacts of Climate Uncertainty on Streamflow in Andes, Antioquia, Colombia, Kristen R. Roberts
Burn Probability and Climate Change: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Temporal Alterations of Wildfire, David N. Robinson
Efficiency Mapping and Determination of Reliability, Resiliency and Vulnerability of Atmospheric Water Generators in the United States, Erica F. Sadowski
Application of Machine Learning Models with Numerical Simulations of an Experimental Microwave Induced Plasma Gasification Reactor, Owen D. Sedej
Natural Infrastructure Alternatives Mitigate Hurricane-Driven Flood Vulnerability: Application to Tyndall Air Force Base, Kiara L. Vance
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Hazard Mapping for Infrastructure Planning in the Arctic, Christopher I. Amaddio
Developing Infrastructure Adaptation Pathways to Combat Hurricane Intensification: A Coupled Storm Simulation and Economic Modeling Framework for Coastal Installations, Alexander J. Baldwin
Investigating Manufacturer Selection Decisions for Built Infrastructure Assets Using a Technical Performance Metric, Sarah L. Brown
Evaluation of Efficient Water Reuse Technologies for Sustainable Forward Operating Bases, Kelsie L. Crouch
A Fuzzy Framework for the Air Force Mission Dependency Index, Devin M. DePalmer
Conversion from Coal to Natural Gas at Wright Patterson Air Force Base: An Analysis and Case Study, Tyler A. Ferry
Improving Airfield Pavement Degradation Prediction Skill with Local Climate and Traffic, Evan M. Fortney
An Analysis of the Air Force Installation Development Plan and Its Energy Benchmarking Effectiveness, Jacob P. Hyman
Data- Driven Asset Degradation Modeling: An Enterprise-wide Roof System Case Study, Kurt R. Lamm
Decision Model for Additive versus Conventional Construction in Remote Locations, Matthew R. Nicholson
Water Security at United States Air Force Installations, John D. Pollock
Optimizing Cost and Performance of Infrastrucure Alternatives at Contingency Bases in a Hub-and-Spoke Network, Kyle J. Rodriguez
An Empirical Analysis of DoD Construction Task Order Performance, Adam B. Teston and Tyler S. Stout
Climate-informed Prediction and Forecast Modeling of Installation Total Energy Consumption, Scott C. Weiss
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Analysis of the Viability of 3D-Printed Construction as an Alternative to Conventional Construction Methods in the Expeditionary Environment, Jeneé A. Jagoda
An Analysis of Tinker Air Force Base Thermal Spray Hazardous Waste Stream from 2003-2019 and its Potential Reclamation, Amy E. Silverbush
Golng off the Grid: Optimizing Solar Renewable Energy Systems at Remote Locations to Minimize Logistics Requirements, Increase Sustainability, and Strengthen Energy Assurance, Nathanael J. Thomsen
Examining Healthy Community Design Characteristics and Its Influence on Physical Health, Alvin T. Yip