Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Philip J. Joseph, PhD


This paper investigates the scattering from impedance strips and impedance-loaded conducting strips. The impedance strips are analyzed using Senior's impedance half plane formulation. Once the primary diffraction from the impedance half plane is presented, it is used to develop multiple diffraction mechanisms on an impedance strip. The scattering from impedance-loaded strips are analyzed using Maliuzhinets' impedance wedge formulation. The primary diffraction mechanism from an impedance wedge is used to develop the multiple diffractions on an impedance double wedge. The multiple diffractions on both types of strips are developed using the Extended Spectral Ray Method. Sample calculations are made for impedance strips and impedance-loaded strips for a large purely capacitive impedance, a large purely inductive impedance, a large real impedance, and a small real impedance. Measurements are made for impedance strips and impedance loaded strips and are used to compare against predictions. The impedance materials used are two magnetic radar absorbing materials and two resistive materials. (Author)

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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