Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Richard S. Hartley, PhD


The goal of this thesis was to construct and test a neutron detector to measure the energy spectrum of 1 to 14-MeV neutrons in the presence of gammas. A spectrometer based on the process of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) was constructed, in which the scintillator NE-213 was used. The primary neutron/ gamma sources used were 78-mCi and 4.7-Ci 239PuBe sources, while 4.7-µCi and 97.6-µCi 22Na gamma sources were used for energy calibration and additional testing of the detector. Proton recoil spectra and Compton electron spectra were unfolded with the neutron and gamma unfolding code FORIST to generate the incident neutron and gamma spectra, respectively. FORIST, which was written for a CDC computer, was modified to run on a VAX 6420. The experimental spectra were compared to those in the literature. The locations of the peaks in the 239PuBe spectrum agreed with the literature to within 8.3%, the 239PuBe gamma spectrum agreed to within 0.7%, while the 22Na gamma spectrum agreed exactly. Uncertainties in the detection system and unfolding procedure are on the order of 5-10%. This thesis is intended to be a summary of the relevant literature and a user's guide to the PSD spectrometer.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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