Integrated Hypersonic Aeropropulsion Model for Multidisciplinary Vehicle Analysis and Optimization
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High-performance scramjet engines suitable for hypersonic flight are achievable with better integration of propulsion, airframe, and materials disciplines during the conceptual design stage. The engine’s performance is strongly coupled with the airframe configuration due to the engine’s typical integration into the fuselage. Therefore, this work’s objective is to develop a conceptual design tool capable of predicting the engine’s one-dimensional flow properties and performance based on its geometry and flight conditions for rapid creation of feasible vehicle configurations. Proper propulsion modeling is required to efficiently determine if the engine and vehicle configuration meet desired mission goals. Propulsion analysis methods that are representative of the engine’s capabilities and allow for improvements to these predictions are focused on in this work. The engine analysis model developed is a stream thrust analysis with additions to several submodels for higher-fidelity analyses. Quasi-one-dimensional approaches are used to approximate isolator, combustor, and nozzle performance with sensitivities to area change, skin friction, wall heat transfer, and fuel addition/combustion. The methodology provides a computationally efficient engine modeling tool for optimizing multiple parameters. This model rapidly provides the operating conditions of the engine for integration with the airframe module for thermal and structural analysis via finite element analysis.
Source Publication
Journal of Propulsion and Power (ISSN 0748-4658 | eISSN 1533-3876)
Recommended Citation
Ramunno, M. A., Boyd, I. M., Grandhi, R. V., & Camberos, J. (2022). Integrated Hypersonic Aeropropulsion Model for Multidisciplinary Vehicle Analysis and Optimization. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 38(3), 478–488.
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