Numerical Optimization of a Vortex Generating Jet on a Non-Slender Delta Wing
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Conference Proceeding
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This numerical parametric study explores optimal vortex generating jet location, azimuthal angle, and incline angle to maximize CL for a non-slender delta wing in incompressible flow. The test article geometry is a NACA 0012 cropped delta wing with a Λ = 45° sweep angle and a root chord of 0.365 m. Ansys Workbench and Fluent are used to conduct rapid iterations and leverage surface response optimization to identify jet parameters that achieve desired wing performance at 0° ≤ α ≤ 20°. Numerical results acquired at Mach and Reynolds numbers of M∞ = 0.06, and Rec = 500,000, respectively, show a 2.5 mm radius jet blowing outboard at a steady momentum coefficient of Cμ = 0.005 increases lift and rolling moment. Marginal performance improvement is observed at low angles of attack due to momentum addition. Substantial additional lift, rolling moment, and efficiency are observed at higher, pre-stall angles of attack due to leading-edge vortex and flow reattachment.
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Recommended Citation
Naigle, S., Hiltner, S., & Walker, M. M. (2022). Numerical Optimization of a Vortex Generating Jet on a Non-Slender Delta Wing. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, AIAA # 2022-2326.
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Conference session information: This paper was an invited paper in the Special Session: The Physics and Control of Leading Edge Vortices on Swept Wings