Fatigue Life Modeling and Experimental Validation of Additively Manufactured Turbine Blade with Respect to Defect Size and Location
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Conference Proceeding
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Current fatigue life modeling with respect to defects is only dependent on the defect size and the applied cyclic stress for a given material. This paper augments the process to include defect location into the model analysis for a more precise prediction of the number of cycles to failure and predict where finial failure could occur within a component. The focus is a turbine blade structure using nickel-based superalloy 718 subjected to a pure vibration environment. The augmented model predicts component life using a stress map from the frequency analysis of the developed Finite Element Models (FEMs) and measured or predicted defect sizes and locations. Printed test specimen are evaluated to experimentally validate the capabilities of the augmented model to predict fatigue life and crack initiation regions.
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Recommended Citation
Miller, D. G., Kemnitz, R. A., Grandhi, R. V., & Sheridan, L. C. (2022). Fatigue life modeling and experimental validation of additively manufactured turbine blade with respect to defect size and location. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, AIAA #2022-0671. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-0671
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Conference Session: Damage, Fatigue and Fracture of Structures II