Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Operations Research


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Raymond R. Hill, PhD


This research utilizes monthly data from 2012-2017 to determine economic or demographic factors that significantly contribute to increased goaling and production potential in areas of the 360th Recruiting Groups. Using regression analysis, a model of recruiting goals and production is built to identify squadrons within the 360 RCGs zone that are capable of producing more or fewer recruits and the factors that contribute to this increased or decreased capability. This research identifies that a zones high school graduation rate, the number of recruiters, and the number of JROTC detachments in a zone are positively correlated with recruiting goals and that a zones obesity rate and voting participation rate are inversely related to goaling. Additionally, this research found that the monthly number goals and the number of JROTC detachments in a zone are positively correlated with recruit production and the unemployment rate is inversely related with production. Using these two linear regression models, recruiting goals and recruiting production are projected into 48 months of new data to identify higher goaling and production potential squadrons.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

