Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Operations Research


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Gary W. Kinney, PhD


To support the capabilities for precision strike, close air support, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, air mobility and air refueling the Air Force has over 26,000 Airmen deployed from over 80 military installations to Forward Operating Locations (FOLs) in over 21 countries. This research creates a multi-pass construction heuristic to solve the aggregated airlift problem associated with the transportation of these 26,000 deployed Airmen. We are given a Time Phased Force Deployment Document (TPFDD) containing a list of personnel scheduled for deployment, their base of origin, Point of Debarkation (POD), FOL, and Required Delivery Date (RDD). The goal is to aggregate the personnel into groups of 100 or more based on region of origin, POD and RDD to generate dedicated airlift for their deployment. The goal of aggregated airlift is to generate dedicated airlift facilitating better In Transit Visibility of personnel moving though the PODs. This, in turn, enables the proper planning and scheduling of intratheater airlift from the POD to the FOL reducing the backlog of personnel and wait times at the POD. The algorithm was tested on several notional and real world TPFDDs and performed well, increasing the effectiveness over the current manual process by more than 20%.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

