
Daniel Lugo

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Douglas D. Hodson, PhD.


It is common for military personnel to leverage simulations (and simulators) as cost-effective tools to train and become proficient at various tasks (e.g., flying an aircraft and/or performing a mission, among others). These training simulations often need to represent humans within the simulated world in a realistic manner. Realistic implies creating simulated humans that exhibit behaviors that mimic real-world decision making and actions. Typically, to create the decision-making logic, techniques developed from the domain of artificial intelligence are used. Although there are several approaches to developing intelligent agents; we focus on leveraging and open source project called Soar, to define agent behavior. This research took an off-the-shelf open-source software product (called the AI sandbox) that facilitates the creation of 3D virtual worlds and interfaced it to the Soar package. Because the world created by the sandbox is rich in features, easily configurable using a simple scripting system, and visually engaging, it's ideal as a learning platform to develop Soar agents more aligned with military simulations. In summary, this research develops a platform (or learning environment) to learn how to develop Soar-based agents.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

