Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Theodore E. Luke, PhD


This study attempted to analytically reproduce experimental and analytical data, on the single-insulated and conducting PRIZ, presented in 1987 and 1988 by the Soviet scientists Bliznetsov et al. Our onedimensional analytical models, derived from earlier Soviet reports, have consistently reproduced previously reported data on the PRIZ. In this study, the same codes were successfully used to analyze the effects of injection at high and low intensity exposures (30 µW/cm2 to 500 mW/cm2) Although the codes qualitatively duplicated the nature of the space charge distribution in the single-insulated and conducting PRIZ, our quantitative results were significantly different from the Soviets' Furthermore, the one-dimensional codes proved insufficient to effectively duplicate experimental data on reciprocity, self erasure, and regeneration. Specifically, we were unable to analytically reproduce Soviet experimental data establishing a reciprocity region for low exposures (< 20 µJ/cm2) in the conducting PRIZ. Since the basis for PRIZ operation, the linear electrooptic effect, is inherently a multidimensional phenomenon, we were not surprised to find some limitations to our one-dimensional models. Our results should serve as a basis for the development of more advanced two-dimensional analytical models of the PRIZ.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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