Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

James R. Holt, Lt Col, USAF


Expert system technology has proven itself to be able to improve productivity and decision making in a variety of fields of endeavor. The purpose of this study was to determine if an expert system for medical evaluation boards (MEBs) could improve upon the processing of medical evaluation board cases. Research was conducted to develop an expert system and measure the capabilities of the system, both in terms of accuracy and timeliness of case completion of the medical evaluation administrators/clerks who were assisted by the system. The research methodology involved a three - phase approach. The objective of phase one was to choose a problem to be addressed by the expert system and find a domain expert who would provide the knowledge that would be encoded into the system to solve the problem. Phase two, the knowledge engineering phase, involved the extraction of knowledge from the domain expert as well as supporting documentation, to create the knowledge base for the expert system. Phase three, performance evaluation, involved the evaluation of the developed system, to determine the effect it had on the accuracy and timeliness of MEB case completion by medical administrators/clerks.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the School of the Systems and Logistics.
