Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Dennis L. Hull, Major, USAF

Second Advisor

William Dean


The purpose of this research was to provide insight into configuration management at the Royal Australian Air Force's Headquarters Logistics Command (HQLC) by determining whether current configuration management practices have any impact on HQLC's ability to meet its mission of providing logistics support. The research begins with a review of RAAF configuration management policy and procedures as applicable to in-service systems or technical equipment. A case study is used to investigate problems associated with inadequate configuration management being experienced by one HQLC engineering section, and to identify subsequent effects on engineering logistics capability. The case study results are used to design measurement questions on a survey instrument which is used to gather data on HQLC Logistics Engineering (LOGENG) Branch as a whole. The research indicated that configuration management has not been fully adopted by HQLC LOGENG. Additionally, HQLC LOGENG sections are experiencing the same problems and associated effects as was found in the case study. Recommendations include: establishing training courses over the short and long terms, establishing a configuration management Centre of Excellence, and creating a HQLC project team to fully investigate the introduction of configuration management as a fundamental management tool.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Systems and Logistics
