Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Mark A. Roth, PhD


This thesis presents an object-oriented analysis and design of Saber, a theater-level computerized wargame, for the Air Force Wargaming Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. The analysis and design is based on a recently developed conceptual model, and existing land battle, and additional research. This thesis also begins the implementation process. The design was accomplished using an iterative, five step design process. Objects and operations were chosen and then encapsulated in Ada packages. This thesis also makes necessary changes to the land battle as described by the conceptual model and as the result of additional research. Sound software engineering principles were used to ensure that the system is easily modified or enhanced. Once Saber is completely implemented it will provide a wargame that is both flexible and credible, due in part, to the fact that it is not tied to a specific theater or to specific forces.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

