Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

M. K. Eisert, PhD


The purpose of this study was to produce a USAF base-level primer for use as a guide to requirements, standards, and procedures concerning the preservation of cultural resources. Cultural resources include buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects that have significant scientific, historic, or cultural value. The research had two major objectives: (1) Identify existing sources of cultural resource information through a review of legal requirements, regulations, USAF policy documents, and other sources such as data bases. (2) Produce a 'cultural resources management primer' after identifying the appropriate characteristics of a primer. This product could then be used by novice personnel charged with satisfying USAF cultural resource obligations. The study found that there is an immense amount of evolving information available concerning cultural resources. Information, from an exploratory research, specialized training, and interviews, was integrated into the document. The information compiled in the primer is a very small fraction of the knowledge that is needed to successfully manage a cultural resources program at an Air Force installation. The primer does, however, provide a starting point from which new personnel can gather the knowledge and skills to do the job. The 'Cultural Resources Management Primer,' produced from this research, is a stand- alone document. Issues covered in the primer include an overview of cultural resources management, compliance requirements, management/planning processes, and references to technical data. Based upon an 'Expert Panel' validation as a training tool, the authors recommend the primer be disseminated by USAF MAJCOMs and training courses.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The authors' Vita pages are omitted.
