Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

David L. Coulliette, PhD


A modification was made to the USGS SUTRA code which allowed the simulation of macro scale diffusion effects from specific layers. This modification utilized a split-operator finite element numerical technique to incorporate the macroscale diffusion. The code was applied to a conceptual site developed from a field site at Dover AFB, DL Simulations were done to compare the modified code to the unmodified code which clearly showed the modified code as a closer representation of reality. Simulations were also done to study the effects of pulsed and continuous pumping within the time frame of a field experiment at Dover. These simulations indicated that the diffusion time scale was too long to be studied within the 180 days of the field study. Further investigation over a longer period of time provided the opportunity to study rebound effects due to macroscale diffusion. These simulations confirm the effectiveness of the macroscale model in representing actual physical processes.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

